The Prophet

by (Kahlil Gibran)


Paperback -     6.95 6.95

Book Information
Book Size (Inches) : 5.5 x 8.5
Binding : Paperback
Interior Color : Black & White
Language : English
Genre(s) : Poetry
ISBN : 9789355226679
Year : 2023
Pages : 84

Book Description

The twelve illustrations in this volume are reproduced from original drawings by the author. The most famous work of spiritual fiction of the twentieth century, The Prophet is rooted in Kahlil Gibran’s own experience as an immigrant and provides inspiration to anyone feeling adrift in a world in flux. As a prophet named Almustafa is about to board a ship to travel back to his homeland after twelve years in exile, he is stopped by a group of people who ask him to share his wisdom before he leaves. In twenty-eight poetic essays, he does so, offering profound and timeless insights on many aspects of life, including love, pain, friendship, family, beauty, religion, joy, death, and sorrow.

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