The Enchiridion

by (Epictetus)


Paperback -     6.95 6.95

Book Information
Book Size (Inches) : 5.5 x 8.5
Binding : Paperback
Interior Color : Black & White
Language : English
Genre(s) : Self-Help
ISBN : 9789355223654
Year : 2023
Pages : 76

Book Description

The Enchiridion was well-known in the ancient world, and in the medieval period, it was specially adapted for use in Greek-speaking monasteries. In the 15th century it was translated into Latin, and then, with the advent of printing, into multiple European languages. It reached the height of popularity in the 17th century, in parallel with the Neostoicism movement. Although the content is mostly derived from the Discourses of Epictetus, it is not a summary of the Discourses but rather a compilation of practical precepts. Eschewing metaphysics, Arrian focuses his attention on Epictetus’s work applying philosophy to daily life. Thus, the book is a manual to show the way to achieve mental freedom and happiness in all circumstances. Epictetus maintained that all people are free to control their lives and to live in harmony with nature. We will always be happy, he argued, if we learn to desire that things should be exactly as they are.

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