The Imitation of Christ

by (Thomas à Kempis)


Paperback -     6.95 6.95

Book Information
Book Size (Inches) : 5.5 x 8.5
Binding : Paperback
Interior Color : Black & White
Language : English
Genre(s) : Christian
ISBN : 978-93-5522-346-3
Year : 2023
Pages : 160

Book Description

The more humble and obedient to God a man is, the more wise and at peace he will be in all that he does.— Thomas à Kempis The Imitation of Christ is one of the best known Christian books on devotion. Through its realistic delineation of the complexities of human existence, and in its soul-building optimism about the benefits of aspiring to a Christ-shaped life. Although written early in the fifteenth century, the many short meditations that comprise this work remain strikingly fresh and relevant for modern readers. The Imitation of Christ is perhaps the most widely read Christian devotional work after the Bible, and is regarded as a devotional and religious classic.

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